German Summer Camps (Ages 5 to 7)

  • German, Camp
Germanic-American Institute: 301 Summit Ave, St Paul, MN 55102, USA


Der Zauberwald (The Enchanted Forest) (07/07/2025-07/11/2025)

GAI Member - Summer Camp
Non-member - Summer Camp
  • Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Sat 
  • Sun 


It's time to take a walk in the mysterious enchanted forest where anything can happen. Create your own mythical creature and travel down the rabbit hole of creativity. Follow the path of the brave adventurer with mythical creatures and monsters and let's build our own enchanted forest together. Let's play imaginative games with us and create little houses for the fairy folk or a treasure for a dragon. The choice is yours and the time for adventure is coming soon.We will explore this topic through hands on activities, movement, play, and discovery, all while being introduced to new German vocabulary!


German Experience: Beginner, no previous German required.


Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.


Upon registration, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Additional information detailing camp logistics will be emailed a few days prior to the start of the camp week.


Scholarships and Discounts

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available. Please contact [email protected] prior to registering if you would like to apply for a scholarship. If you register multiple children for the same camp week, a $20 discount will be applied to the 2nd and any further sibling registration. 


Cancellations and Refunds

Please review our cancellation and refund policies prior to registering. 

If the GAI must cancel a summer camp, a full refund will be issued.



Campers may spend time outside and should come prepared for any weather. We will use these guidelines to decide whether children need to be indoors in the event of excessive heat.  If a severe weather event occurs, campers will shelter inside the GAI. 


Allergies and Special Needs

If your child has special needs due to allergies, disabilities or health concerns, please make a note on the registration form. GAI staff may reach out to you to discuss how to best accommodate your child’s needs. We can accommodate many special needs and restrictions with advance notice. 



Camp Rules and Behavioral Guidelines

GAI is committed to providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for all campers and staff during summer camps. Lead teachers will communicate and review camp rules on the first day of every camp week. 


Rules include:


  • Staying with the group at all times unless given permission

  • Participating in clean up 

  • Following directions given by camp teachers, counselors and GAI office staff

  • Using respectful language 

  • No running in the foyer/hallways of the Haus



The following behaviors will not be tolerated:


  • Foul language (profanity, vulgarity, obscenity)

  • Teasing, making fun of or bullying other campers or staff

  • Physical violence against other campers, camp staff or any GAI staff (immediate dismissal)

  • Damaging property 

  • Stealing

  • Inappropriate behavior with other students

  • Persistent misbehavior or disrespect for camp rules (e.g. not staying with the group)



Violations of GAI camp guidelines may result in a student being sent home for the day or, in case of repeated violations, dismissal from the program. GAI will not issue any refunds if a child is dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons.



Additional services and fees

Afternoon Extended Care (12pm - 4:30pm) $160.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 01/24/2025 and ends on 06/30/2025


Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.

Lasst uns kreative werden! (Let's Get Creative!) (07/14/2025-07/18/2025)

GAI Member: Summer Camp
Non-member: Summer Camp
  • Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Sat 
  • Sun 


Join us for a week full of fun with singing, playing, and exploring new artistic materials! Designed to teach creative thinking, technical skills, and of course, German! Kids will make various art projects with a wide variety of mediums, such as soap making, photo albums, or creating a game!


A $10 materials fee is already included in the price of the camp.


German Experience: Beginner, no previous German required.


Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.




Upon registration, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Additional information detailing camp logistics will be emailed a few days prior to the start of the camp week.


Scholarships and Discounts

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available. Please contact [email protected] prior to registering if you would like to apply for a scholarship. If you register multiple children for the same camp week, a $20 discount will be applied to the 2nd and any further sibling registration. 


Cancellations and Refunds

Please review our cancellation and refund policies prior to registering. 

If the GAI must cancel a summer camp, a full refund will be issued.



Campers may spend time outside and should come prepared for any weather. We will use these guidelines to decide whether children need to be indoors in the event of excessive heat.  If a severe weather event occurs, campers will shelter inside the GAI. 


Allergies and Special Needs

If your child has special needs due to allergies, disabilities or health concerns, please make a note on the registration form. GAI staff may reach out to you to discuss how to best accommodate your child’s needs. We can accommodate many special needs and restrictions with advance notice. 



Camp Rules and Behavioral Guidelines

GAI is committed to providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for all campers and staff during summer camps. Lead teachers will communicate and review camp rules on the first day of every camp week. 


Rules include:


  • Staying with the group at all times unless given permission

  • Participating in clean up 

  • Following directions given by camp teachers, counselors and GAI office staff

  • Using respectful language 

  • No running in the foyer/hallways of the Haus



The following behaviors will not be tolerated:


  • Foul language (profanity, vulgarity, obscenity)

  • Teasing, making fun of or bullying other campers or staff

  • Physical violence against other campers, camp staff or any GAI staff (immediate dismissal)

  • Damaging property 

  • Stealing

  • Inappropriate behavior with other students

  • Persistent misbehavior or disrespect for camp rules (e.g. not staying with the group)



Violations of GAI camp guidelines may result in a student being sent home for the day or, in case of repeated violations, dismissal from the program. GAI will not issue any refunds if a child is dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons.



Additional services and fees

Afternoon Extended Care (12pm - 4:30pm) $160.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 01/24/2025 and ends on 07/07/2025


Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.

Entdecke Deutsch! (Discover German!) (07/21/2025-07/25/2025)

GAI Member: Summer Camp
Non-member: Summer Camp
  • Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Sat 
  • Sun 



Arm, Hand, Finger, Knie...did you know you already know some German words even if you've never ever taken a class? We will learn simple German phrases, songs that children in Germany learn, do activities that German kids do, and learn new skills! At the end of the week, you'll be asking for ice cream in German(Ein Eis, bitte).


German Experience: Beginner, no experience required.


Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.



Upon registration, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Additional information detailing camp logistics will be emailed a few days prior to the start of the camp week.


Scholarships and Discounts

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available. Please contact [email protected] prior to registering if you would like to apply for a scholarship. If you register multiple children for the same camp, a $20 discount will be applied to the 2nd and any further sibling registration. 


Cancellations and Refunds

Please review our cancellation and refund policies prior to registering. 

If GAI must cancel a program, a full refund will be issued.



Campers may spend time outside and should come prepared for any weather. We will use these guidelines to decide whether children need to be indoors in the event of excessive heat.  If a severe weather event occurs, campers will shelter inside the GAI. 


Allergies and Special Needs

If your child has special needs due to allergies, disabilities or health concerns, please make a note on the registration form. GAI staff may reach out to you to discuss how to best accommodate your child’s needs. We can accommodate many special needs and restrictions with advance notice. 


Camp Rules and Behavioral Guidelines

GAI is committed to providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for all campers and staff during summer camps. Lead teachers will communicate and review camp rules on the first day of every camp week. 


Rules include:

  • Staying with the group at all times unless given permission

  • Participating in clean up 

  • Following directions given by camp teachers, counselors and GAI office staff

  • Using respectful language 

  • No running in the foyer/hallways of the Haus


The following behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • Foul language (profanity, vulgarity, obscenity)

  • Teasing, making fun of or bullying other campers or staff

  • Physical violence against other campers, camp staff or any GAI staff (immediate dismissal)

  • Damaging property 

  • Stealing

  • Inappropriate behavior with other students

  • Persistent misbehavior or disrespect for camp rules (e.g. not staying with the group)


Violations of GAI camp guidelines may result in a student being sent home for the day or, in case of repeated violations, dismissal from the program. GAI will not issue any refunds if a child is dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons.


Additional services and fees

Afternoon Extended Care (12pm - 4:30pm) $160.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 01/24/2025 and ends on 07/14/2025


Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.

Superhelden (Superheroes) (07/28/2025-08/01/2025)

GAI Member: Summer Camp
Non-member: Summer Camp
  • Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Sat 
  • Sun 


What is a superhero? Do you know one personally? What do you need to be able to do to be a superhero? Would you like to become a superhero? We will set up a superhero course, design some costumes and award prizes. But wait a minute, are you also a superhero if you save a worm? Or do everyday things like sorting the garbage? We'll see…

German Experience: Beginner, no experience required.


Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.



Upon registration, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Additional information detailing camp logistics will be emailed a few days prior to the start of the camp week.


Scholarships and Discounts

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available. Please contact [email protected] prior to registering if you would like to apply for a scholarship. If you register multiple children for the same camp, a $20 discount will be applied to the 2nd and any further sibling registration. 


Cancellations and Refunds

Please review our cancellation and refund policies prior to registering. 

If GAI must cancel a program, a full refund will be issued.



Campers may spend time outside and should come prepared for any weather. We will use these guidelines to decide whether children need to be indoors in the event of excessive heat.  If a severe weather event occurs, campers will shelter inside the GAI. 


Allergies and Special Needs

If your child has special needs due to allergies, disabilities or health concerns, please make a note on the registration form. GAI staff may reach out to you to discuss how to best accommodate your child’s needs. We can accommodate many special needs and restrictions with advance notice. 


Camp Rules and Behavioral Guidelines

GAI is committed to providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for all campers and staff during summer camps. Lead teachers will communicate and review camp rules on the first day of every camp week. 


Rules include:

  • Staying with the group at all times unless given permission

  • Participating in clean up 

  • Following directions given by camp teachers, counselors and GAI office staff

  • Using respectful language 

  • No running in the foyer/hallways of the Haus


The following behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • Foul language (profanity, vulgarity, obscenity)

  • Teasing, making fun of or bullying other campers or staff

  • Physical violence against other campers, camp staff or any GAI staff (immediate dismissal)

  • Damaging property 

  • Stealing

  • Inappropriate behavior with other students

  • Persistent misbehavior or disrespect for camp rules (e.g. not staying with the group)


Violations of GAI camp guidelines may result in a student being sent home for the day or, in case of repeated violations, dismissal from the program. GAI will not issue any refunds if a child is dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons.


Additional services and fees

Afternoon Extended Care (12pm - 4:30pm) $160.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 01/24/2025 and ends on 07/14/2025


Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.

Drama- & Theaterwoche (Drama & Theater Week) (08/04/2025-08/08/2025)

GAI Member: Summer Camp
Non-member: Summer Camp
  • Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CST)
  • Sat 
  • Sun 


Kids, friends, and families, "lend us your ears!" Campers will explore all facets of theater, drama, storytelling, and musical theater in this immersive and exciting week! Kids will play drama games, sing, dance, and learn how to use their "Actor Tools"—body, voice, and imagination – to play, create and tell stories! 



German Experience: Beginner, no previous German required.


Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.




Upon registration, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Additional information detailing camp logistics will be emailed a few days prior to the start of the camp week.


Scholarships and Discounts

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available. Please contact [email protected] prior to registering if you would like to apply for a scholarship. If you register multiple children for the same camp week, a $20 discount will be applied to the 2nd and any further sibling registration. 


Cancellations and Refunds

Please review our cancellation and refund policies prior to registering. 

If the GAI must cancel a summer camp, a full refund will be issued.



Campers may spend time outside and should come prepared for any weather. We will use these guidelines to decide whether children need to be indoors in the event of excessive heat.  If a severe weather event occurs, campers will shelter inside the GAI. 


Allergies and Special Needs

If your child has special needs due to allergies, disabilities or health concerns, please make a note on the registration form. GAI staff may reach out to you to discuss how to best accommodate your child’s needs. We can accommodate many special needs and restrictions with advance notice. 



Camp Rules and Behavioral Guidelines

GAI is committed to providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for all campers and staff during summer camps. Lead teachers will communicate and review camp rules on the first day of every camp week. 


Rules include:


  • Staying with the group at all times unless given permission

  • Participating in clean up 

  • Following directions given by camp teachers, counselors and GAI office staff

  • Using respectful language 

  • No running in the foyer/hallways of the Haus



The following behaviors will not be tolerated:


  • Foul language (profanity, vulgarity, obscenity)

  • Teasing, making fun of or bullying other campers or staff

  • Physical violence against other campers, camp staff or any GAI staff (immediate dismissal)

  • Damaging property 

  • Stealing

  • Inappropriate behavior with other students

  • Persistent misbehavior or disrespect for camp rules (e.g. not staying with the group)



Violations of GAI camp guidelines may result in a student being sent home for the day or, in case of repeated violations, dismissal from the program. GAI will not issue any refunds if a child is dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons.



Additional services and fees

Afternoon Extended Care (12pm - 4:30pm) $160.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 01/24/2025 and ends on 07/28/2025


Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.

In-person location

Germanic-American Institute: 301 Summit Ave, St Paul, MN 55102, USA


German Summer Camps for Children

These camps are designed for children ages 5 to 7 and are designed for beginner German learners! 

Teachers and children will speak, hear, sing, and create in German while exploring different weekly topics and themes.

German Experience: Beginner, no previous German required.

Most interaction will be in German and children will be encouraged to have fun with the language. Through hands-on activities, children will be able to participate no matter their level of German.